Planes For X Plane 11
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Hi All, I'm curious as to how many aircraft X-plane 11 comes with? I was thinking of purchasing it through Steam, however I'm concerned that it only comes with a few aircraft from the original purchase?

Aircraft For X Plane 11 Free Download
I can't seem to find anywhere a list of the exact aircraft available. I've also looked on the X-plane store/forum website and noticed there are a few hundred planes you can download as a separate item, but didn't see as many as I thought I would. I'm particularly interested in being able to fly the CRJ200 or CRJ900. Side note: I noticed Steam offers the CRJ200 package, but for $60 freakin' dollars!!!!! Can somebody please help me out and explain what planes are available and how many are available to download for free after purchasing the game?
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