In this video I talk about the problems with the controls and UI for the PC version of Dragon Age Inquisition. Feels like playing a console game on PC, Bioware plz fix! The following PC codes works will partially work on your Dragon Age: Inquisition game. To implement them, you’ll have to go through the same procedure you’d use when using Life is Feudal GM console commands.
Over at the BioWare forums, the primary thread for PC control woes appears to be this six page affair, which contains quite a few horror stories about how the UI and keyboard/mouse have been implemented. This other thread is attempting to (unofficially) collect suggestions for improvements. The main concerns seem to be that the “tactical camera” mode doesn’t actually zoom out far enough (at least not far enough to be a whole lot of use,) characters are unable to automatically “loot” items with a ground click, there’s no way to bind functions to additional (side) mouse buttons, and a lot of alarming talk about there being two on-screen cursors – one for mouse and one for keyboard. The mouse cursor apparently doesn’t pan the screen around, only the second cursor does this. I’m honestly having a hard time visualising how that would even work, but it’s what Dragon Age: Inquisition players are saying. BioWare’s Mike Laidlaw has been addressing some of the issues via his twitter account, confirming (for example) that the tactical camera auto-centering when switching party members is a bug: Tactical view force-centering when switching party members is a bug and will be addressed in the next patch.