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Our goal is to help users worldwide save money on their purchases. Find the best Wilton Expiration Date Code here at SteamLoto. For a limited time, take 50% off on your order with the purchase of an item at Wilton. Get the latest Wilton Expiration Date Code now and add one of our 26 discount codes to your cart now and save some extra cash. Jul 08, 2016 I called Wilton's customer service to find out what the codes mean. Below is the explanation of how to decode the Wilton numbers to figure out what their expiration is. But I still don't understand why companies have to use codes instead of just putting the date. Wilton date codes. Wilton Date Code. First 2#s are year made. Next 3 are the day of the year made. Good for 2 yrs. From this date. The last three digits '304' tell you the Julian Calendar date (in other words the year's day number, there are 365 days in a year) - this case is October 31st.

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