Copy Motion Presets Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro Presets Download
Set the default duration of still images: 1. Choose Edit > Preferences > General (Windows) or Premiere Pro > Preferences > General (Mac OS). For Still Image Default Duration, specify the number of frames you want as a default duration for a still image. Set the default duration for transitions: If you change the default, the new setting has no affect on transitions already placed. Choose Edit > Preferences > General.
Stop Motion Presets Premiere Pro Template
Change the value for the Video Transition Default Duration or Audio Transition Default Duration; then click OK. ---- As far as the scale of the image, I think you're better off doing some batch resizing/cropping in Photoshop or another image editor with similar functionality.
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There is no easy way of doing this within Premiere unless you want to right click every photo in the timeline and select 'scale to frame size' (this doesn't crop so if the aspect ratio is different, it will add black bars). - Angelo Lorenzo - Helping you sell your film online. Hi Brendan, [I have to import several images (hundreds) into my timeline.] - GREAT! [Once imported, I have to adjust the scale and duration of each image] - Is this process to be the same across all clips or random? [I then have to adapt a fixed cross dissolve between each image to create a moving slide show] - Are you planning to just have the 'motion' of each clip in the sequence to blend (cross dissolve) into the next clip? [Is there a way to duplicate/save each of these settings/effect parameters?] - YES! [Can I then select the several hundred still images in the time line and apply this 'magic wand' fix?] - YES!