Avatar Book 3 Watch

Alternative name: Info: Plot Summary:This third and final season focuses on Aang's quest to defeat the tyrannical Fire Lord. In the season's beginning, protagonist Aang and his friends Sokka, Katara, and Toph are traveling through the Fire Nation, conjuring a plan for invading the Fire Nation and looking for a teacher to teach Aang Firebending. Midway through the season, Aang gathers friends he met in previous episodes and leads a failed invasion into the Fire Nation. Former antagonist and anti-hero Zuko changes sides and joins Aang, serving as his Firebending teacher until the season finale, when Aang finally defeats the Fire Lord and ends the war in a suprising way.
Avatar Book 3 Watch Cartoon Online

Avatar Book 3 Watch Cartoons Online
He takes away his bending to keep what he has learned in the northern air temple.
Description Having mastered the bending elements - air, water, and earth - Avatar Aang now faces his final element to become a fully realized Avatar and fulfill his destiny to save the world. After spending several weeks unconscious, Aang wakes up to the news that Ba Sing Se has fallen. Satinder sartaj all songs. Team Avatar forges an invasion plan and sets off undercover across the Fire Nation to find Firelord Ozai before the Day of Black Sun. But plans are averted when Princess Azula appears, and suddenly new alliances are formed and a new plan is put in place to stop the Firelord once and for all.