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Mar 22, 2009 For those of you who own the action replay for ds go to www.code junkies.com click on the usa icon the look for the pokemon platinum.the codes include the rare candy code its not 999 its 900 but if you follw the insructions and press the correct buttons you will have infinite. Jun 28, 2013 Pokemon platinum DeSmuMe Ds emulator v0.9.9 rare candy code 1.go to tools and click cheats then go to list 2.click action replay and put in the code provided below 3 make sure the code is on. Pokemon light platinum cheats rare candy. Search rare candy in Pokemon Platinum Cheat Codes, for Nintendo DS. Best archive of Pokemon Platinum cheats, cheats codes, hints, secrets, action replay codes, walkthroughs and guides. Get 999 Rare Candies!!! PS:Press L R in BAG. Action Replay Code for Pokemon Diamond. Super dexoys. Can any one post rare candy cheat for pokemon platinum for nintendo ds. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many. Mar 30th 2009, ID#93 Master Ball x999 Rare Candy x999 Max Money; 100% Working. All of this Cheats is not working in my pokemon platinum. ID #461521 Oct 17th 2014 Guest Which one is the rare candy. ID #459735 Oct 1st 2014 Guest its too long.
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